Monday, January 26, 2009

Linsey Lately

Life is good here with me and the three men in my life. We had Grandma DeWitts funeral on Friday, and it was such a great service all together. Tyler and I had a great date night Friday night with dinner at Rosa's and then a Temple Session, (its been a WHILE... and it was really good to go!) Saturday morning weighed in at Weight Watchers and lost 3.2! Yah, remember last week when I posted about being all "boo hoo" about my .4 gain? Yah, well this week was my biggest loss yet since I've been trying to get this baby weight off... there are just really no guarantees, cause this week, losing 3.2, I ONLY worked out 3 mornings instead of my usual 6 cause of the craziness of the funeral and all that... so what is that all about? My body does better with less working out? Who knew? Anyway, NOT complaining at all. Feeling pretty good. I really only have 7 lbs to get back to what I was when I got prego with Bowen! That's exciting! ( really the NUMBERS don't really matter to me, I don't care if I weigh a gazillion pounds as long as my stinking pre prego jeans will fit with NO muffin top!)
Like I said in an earlier post, I have been really trying to live in the now and constantly count my blessings. I am so blessed in so many different ways. I have this problem though that as soon as I start thinking about how good life is for us, how madly in love Tyler and I are, how fun and wonderful our boys are, etc etc etc, I almost immediately think, "HAH! Something bad is going to happen to us, no one's this happy!" Isn't that silly? I mean isn't the scripture, "Men are that they might have JOY!"? Doesn't the Lord want us to be happy? Duh! I also tend to forget that I have over come a lot and I have been dealt some pretty hard blows in my life... So I am deciding to be happy. It is a choice! Yippee!!! (tribute to Grandma DeWitt, who used to cheer this in a loud high pitched voice...) Life is good.


Tyler said...

Ah, nice post hun... you know I really should call you something other than what appears on the back of your grandpa's car "my hun." You have overcome a lot and have such a positive attitude about it all. I'm glad you came to that conclusion on your own. Love you

Allyson & Jere said...

Well good for you Lins, on all accounts. Yea for weightloss, yea for being happy, and yea for a good date night.