Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Ok so here is a picture of me and my man, Ty. THE MOST AMAZING HUSBAND AND FATHER EVER. DONE. Ok, well I can't be done there. Let me just pay a little tribute to this guy. First off, he is in his 2nd year of graduate school studying Psychology. He LOVES his field of study and is so looking forward to being a "shrink" someday. (as am I, because I need therepy often...) So for anyone who has been through grad school, AND had kids, you know that it can be very stressful. This week, he has probably gotten less than ten hours of sleep total due to writing papers and school projects and stuff. BUT let me just say that he is STILL SO helpful to me and with the boys. Always making sure that I am ok, and that I get time to myself etc. We knew this would be hard, I am not sure that either of us had any idea how hard, BUT I can say that we are doing it, and we are still in love and enjoying this crazy journey.


idahohubers said...

Hi! It is fun to peek in on your life :) You two look so fabulous and happy together! Mixing school and family IS so hard, definately a joint effort. Way to go!

Autumn Hardy said...

YOU LOOK HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summertime Designs said...

What a perfect picture of the two of you. Definitely worth framing. You just look gorgeous. And what a nice post. It is tough having little ones and having Ty have to be gone a lot, and if he's home, to be studying a lot. It sounds like his priorities are straight to still make time for his family. What a guy!