Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Top Ten Reasons Why We Love Chick Fill A

Yesterday as Ty and I were eating our lunch from Chick Fill A, we were discussing why we love it sooo much. Here are our top ten reasons.

In no particular order:

1. I love the chargrilled chicken sandwich

2. Ty loves the spicy chicken sandwich

3. French fries, pretty much to die for. ( although I opt for a salad instead)

4. Their berry balsamic vinegarette dressing... um yah. Yum

5. Diet Lemonade. Mouth watering right now thinking about it. When I am pregnant, I crave TANG and STRONG. This hits the spot.

6. The SERVICE. "Its a great day at Chick Fil a, how may I serve you?" Is their greeting, and their "you're welcome" is a "my pleasure!!" When was the last time you were treated like that at McDonalds, huh!?

7. Kids play place. A CLEAN kids play place.

8. I am not a big fan of vanilla ice cream, but their "ice dream cone" Yum. And only 4 points.

9. Balloons. The kids can all get a balloon as we leave the restaraunt.

10. The little mints. Thank you very much.

Anyone else out there agree with me? Now, I wasn't going to mention it, but it does come at a hefty price, its pretty expensive, but I say its worth it!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Baby # 3 on the way!!!!

Most of you already know. But baby # 3 is on the way! Here are some pictures of me about 6 1/2 weeks ago at 10 weeks. I need to take some more pictures, but come on lets face it, I don't at all look pregnant yet, just wider and fatter! AH the joys of the "in between stage". I really love pregnancy from about 6 months on. You can really BE pregnant, and enjoy all the baby movements and I think people are a little nicer to pregnant women in general. I really love being pregnant. Although I really want a family of all boys, ( lets face it, I don't want to give up my princess status, AND I want a barbershop quartet. ) I am certain this is one is a girl. Ty says he's gonna laugh hard when it's a boy. We find out 2 weeks from today!!! We'll see. Voo doo, you know the ring test, says we are having boy boy girl girl boy. Twins must be in there next time, cause I have only been planning on 4. I will be thrilled with a girl of course. We didn't announce till last week at 16 weeks. I liked it that way, for some reason its made it feel like I am pregnant from now on, rather than 4 months ago, and on... anyway. Yea for more babies!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Meet the Teacher, First day as a KINDERGARTENER, and "Lets Play Music!

I am officially recovered from sending my first born to Kindergarten. I am ok. I did shed tears, quite a few actually. But he is loving school and I am happy with my decision to have him go to Emerson accross the street. Here are some fun pics of him at Meet the Teacher, the first day of K, and his first day in his "Lets Play Music" class.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy 31st Birthday to my Man.

Ty, Since I am not the best at romantic clever writing like you are, here is a list. I'm good at making lists. Here is a list of 31 reasons I love you. ( there are a gazillion, but thought I'd keep it to 31 in honor of your 31st b day. )

1. You are totally hot.
2. You are kind.
3. You are non judgemental.
4. You are the most amazing dad. EVER.
5. I love your singing. Yummy.
6. Incredible actor too. ( how many zonies have you won again?? )
7. You are so romantical.
8. You are so unselfish.
9. You are a spiritual man.
10. You work out like a mad man. Rar.
11. You work really hard at school.
12. You are the best shrink ever.
13. You are the cream of the crop ( huge inside joke )
14. You look great and sexy with long hair. Rar again.
15. I love your big hands.
16. You make date nights a priority.
17. You are my best friend.
18. You make me laugh. Everyday.
19. You're favorite disney character was/is Belle.
20. You think everything is hysterically funny.
21. You are a great listener, to pretty much anyone.
22. You are a great role model for the kids and teens we teach.
23. You get child like when you get excited about a project.
24. You are good to my family.
25. you are a good son and brother to your family.
26. My dad really liked and highly approved of you, thats important to me.
27. You have the best smile.
28. I like snuggling with you.
29. You get up in the middle of the night with the kids to let me sleep.
30. You love me unconditionally.
31. You are my everything.

Happy Birthday Ty. SOOOO glad you were born. Love you.

Friday, August 13, 2010



Cousin Libby (aka Bo's best buddie) and Cole Man.

Greg Adams and I were prom dates in 1995. We are trying to show what our prom picture looks like...

Porter had to sneak in our pic.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


We had a pretty lazy summer once workshop ended in June. We are looking foward to our "real" vacation to California soon. Here's some pictures of what we've been up to all summer.

Our trip to Utah to see Audra McDonald and Bailee of course, "110 in the Shade", and to celebrate 8 years of marriage! On our way to church here in this pic.
We had our anniversary dinner at Rodizio Grill. WOW. Amazing food.

Happy 8 years to us!!
These cupcakes are to die for. From Sweet Tooth Fairy. They are named after Stephanie Nielson. VaNIElla cupcakes. WOW. http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/
Photobucket Here we are after the show. It was incredible. Max Eddington, Bailee, Me, Will Swenson, Audra Mcdonald, and Ty.
Lots of dress up days!
Lots of trips to Peter Piper Pizza, especially because they now have ice cream!
Cole was so excited to get new school clothes!

We had a great summer, but we are ready to move on! Yea for the 2010-2011 school year!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Ok so I am quite inexperienced with how to REALLY be a blogger. But true confession, I really want to be "blog popular". Ok not like I need 1000 followers or 30 comments per post or annonymous people sending me packages or money in the mail, BUT I would like people to know that I have a blog so that it actually gets looked at by more than just my sister and my mom and my husband. ( no offense guys). SOOO my dear friend Allyson Van Patten ( ok now would be the place to put a link to her great blog, but I don't know how to do that ) was telling me that I have got to post more often, I guess once a month isn't cutting it, and that the way for people to get to know your blog is by commenting. So here I go. We'll see if this works.